WOMAN AND FITNESS: Female body recomposition: workout and diet
A complete guide to nutrition and fitness exercise for women of all ages. Author; Andrea Raimondi.
If you want to lose weight or improve your appearance or if you want to increase your strength.
If you want to return to being admired and envied by friends.
For those who are already comfortable with themselves but want to get more out of their workouts
You will find everything you need to know, understand and set up a body recomposition both for weight loss and to improve metabolism and increase muscle mass from a female point of view
To avoid being dazzled by passing fads, magic pills, or the latest supplement.
Understanding the role of nutrition, the role of proteins, carbohydrates, fats in the formation of fat.
Understanding the role of training and how it should be integrated with the right diet to improve our body.
Understanding what body fat, water retention, cellulite are and how to deal with them
Understanding the role of calories, various foods, human energy systems.
Training protocols
52 weeks of training to improve your metabolism, decrease your fat mass, increase your lean mass.
E-book, paperback and hardcover formats. It has 282 pages. Starting as $8,45.